Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Some Thoughts on the Upcoming Election

I really need to SAY something. Also, I need to DO something. This is just the beginning of my doing my part to help get rid of tRUMP. Read on!

If you feel you cannot vote for Biden, you can at least vote for someone not named tRUMP! Therefore check the box for Biden! This is my attempt to sound like tRUMP himself.

Not voting at all or voting for someone who has no chance of winning, is as good as a vote to continue supporting the direction in which the U.S.A. has been heading.

During the convention, it was good to finally hear people tell it like it is regarding tRUMP as president! I did not detect ANYTHING ERRONEOUS in last night's convention speeches.

The convention was not about politics, it was not about "platforms" promised and then not fulfilled after elected, it was about people, a government for "We The People."

Some things for which I am thankful to tRUMP are his transparency in lying, manipulation, gaslighting, ability to "spin"; and being antisemitic, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and anti-immigrant; finding all kinds of loopholes to make the government take on his "face" and his being greedy, self-serving, mean, inarticulate, ignorant. Thank you tRUMP for showing us how evil a person can be!

It is absolutely beyond me to think that anyone could still vote for tRUMP knowing what he has shown us, said to us, and by his actions (usually against us).

Fake news is always a good excuse, but when you watch the man, listen to the man, see what the man is doing to our institutions and our country and our people ... HOW CAN YOU STILL SAY YOU ARE GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM?

This is so much bigger than tRUMP. This is so much bigger than Democrats vs Republicans. This is about human decency. This is about the basic definition and love of humankind. This is about the future of our nation!

How can anyone who considers themselves a Christian, or any religious label for that matter, vote for tRUMP? If you're feeling disenfranchised with any aspect of our government, a vote for tRUMP will make things worse and should make you feel even worse.

Show me who has NOT suffered as a result of tRUMP's time in office, except those who are not only very rich but very greedy about being rich at the expense of the rest of us.

Not all cops are bad, not all politicians are bad, not all Blacks are bad, not all Whites are bad, not all men or women are bad, not all entitled people are bad. Yes, some are and they bring us all down with their actions and power-seeking. What has tRUMP's administration done to solve problems? What tRUMP has done is actively sought to divide us by exaggerating "good vs bad" and by bringing down all of our American Institutions without providing any better alternatives.

Money and wealth is not a bad thing as long as one does not take advantage of others to get it. And hopefully once one has money and wealth, they continue to be compassionate and generous in their sharing it with others. Not just giving it away but doing things for others that matter!

Honestly, I NEED to begin a series of UNFRIENDING family and friends on Facebook, who still feel that tRUMP has been good for the country and will give him their vote in November! I cannot let those people be part of my life when our belief systems are so different. I cannot let them make me less than I am by continuing to let them be part of my life! 

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