Wednesday, February 3, 2016

MIRACLE: The Date, The Time and A Dream

AS OF FEBRUARY 3, 2016, here is today's MIRACLE plus a listing of all the miracles I have experienced, sent by Gregory since he passed on October 4, 2015. All open in a new window so you won't get lost. I will update this post as new miracles take place.

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I woke at 4:56 am. Was pleased to have heard from Gregory after not having heard from him in a while. Then I realized that the clock also shows the date so the entire visual was: 2/3 4:56! You have read previously that I like to interpret these unique time sequences as a "wink," a "nod," a "hello" from Gregory nudging me awake to see his presence.

Next, I had what I call a "Work Oppressive Dream." I still dream about classroom events gone wrong and I haven't been a teacher for over 20 years! This one was about Gregory.

He was making copies of files using my new hp Color LaserJet Pro Printer. He had many files and was making three copies of each sheet in each file and the number of copies (and their cost) was piling up. One copy for the client, one was a work file, and one was to be kept at home.

First, I might mention that I recently purchased this printer because I wanted to not so much because I needed it. It was more expensive than a regular ink jet and the ink cartridges are more expensive, but the quality is superb and since I do not print all that much, I felt I could afford the upgrade.

In the dream I was angry with Gregory because he didn't need to make copies, he no longer needed to make copies, and through his Dementia I couldn't make him understand although I strongly tried. 

As we had in the past, until I learned to understand how to approach situations like this (especially learning that sometimes you just cannot explain things and rather have to distract the person) I kept up trying to explain and as I did I got more and more angry.

He just ignored me and continued making copies. Finally I woke up. In analyzing the dream as I lie there half awake, I came up with three possibilities.

1) I feel a little guilty at having a more expensive printing setup.

2) Gregory was doing his best to say Hi! which he did in the style of his "Maire You Are A Shit" type of humor I so loved. This part of the realization caused me to giggle as I drifted back to sleep. And/or 

3) I was meant to realize I no longer have to worry about "monitoring" his behavior and/or explaining, and/or getting angry at the sometimes silly things he did.

The interesting thing about this dream is that he was not just "present in the background" like so many dreams have been but rather he was an active part of a two person dream including only him and me.

• • •
1) The Kiss

2) The Candle

3) The Dream

4) The Meeting

5) The Bear

6) The Christmas Moon

7) The Threes (333)

8) 1, 2, 3, 4!

9) 1, 2, 3, 4! ... and a Daily Word

10) Start It Said  and 11) 333 Again


  1. Of interest is that Gregory was present in your dream but did not speak.

    Last night I had one of those dreams that goes on seems like forever and has detail in minutiae, like drawers full of tiny objects where I searched for a safety pin.

    At the end, a thug leader's henchmen were outside a porch, filling some large rectangular outdoor containers with potting soil with which they were mixing the contents of three funeral urns holding the ashes of enemies they killed and had cremated.

    1. I like to assume that it takes a great deal of energy for spirits on their plane to communicate with this plane on which we live. So one must be on the lookout for minimal style communications (this being nudged awake at certain significant times!) Your dream about the henchmen is interesting. The potting soil and containers certainly fits in with your life and love of plants. Wonder what the dream was trying to tell you?


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